Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Hello again - and intro to Distributed Models

For those of you who know me personally, you will be aware that I started a small company in early 2013 to do consulting and product development at the intersection of modelling and distributed applications: Distributed Models Pty Ltd.

I've been pretty busy since then working with a small team doing Building Information Models (BIM) and model-driven Health Records. I was unsure about whether a web presence would very useful for the company, given the specialised nature of our work ....but with a little idle time recently, I've decided to do it anyway - just so I have something to point to.


I've been dithering about a final choice of hosting arrangements, and a domain redirect, so I thought I'd put up some plain old HTML on Google. I'll repost when I get a sexier template and hosting arrangements, but for the mean time, the page above is small clean summary of what the company does.

If you come at this from the main Blogger ModelWise page, then you'll see that this is the first post for 11 years!! So I'm going to follow up soon with some of the things I did, and results they had in that time.



At 3:15 pm, Blogger Keith Duddy said...

I tried the "New Sites" from Google to see if it makes a difference: https://sites.google.com/view/distributed-models/home

First impressions: cleaner & "fresher" looking, but not compact enough for my liking... especially on a 13" screen.

Anyone care to comment?


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